Thursday, December 1, 2022

Why Yaakov Connected With Rachel

From Mishnas Reb Aharon volume 3 on Chinuch where he goes through a view difficult parshiot and explains them. 

Interestingly, according to the Kabbalah, Rachel is identified with עולם הדיבור, עלמא דאיתגליא and Leah is identified as עולם המחשבה, עלמא דאיתכסיא.  If I understand correctly that means that Rachel wears her tzidkut openly.  The Torah's description of her physical beauty is a reflection of her spiritual shine.  She is the "tzaddik" mode who serves Hashem without having to constantly battle.  Leah is described as עיני לאה רכות, she was crying.  Her beauty is not obvious.  She has to work on herself, to cry, to pray, to become like the tzaddik.  She aligns more with the "baal teshuva" model (see Torah Or ד"ה וללבן שתי בנות, Likutay Sichos Vayishlach volume 35 sicha 3.)  According to Bresov, they represent the avodah of Torah and tefillah.  It is the one who learns Torah who even outwardly is clearly connecting to Hashem.  It is when engaged in tefillah where one has to bring out from within themselves the connection.  That is why Yaakov wanted Rachel for that was מין במינו as opposed to Leah who had a shot at dealing with Esav.  (Which may be why Chazal are critical of Yaakov not giving Dinah a chance with Esav.)  However, Leah elevated herself to be with Yaakov as well.  Klal Yisrael had to be founded with both of the אמהות.  Sometimes we are in Rachel mode and sometimes we are in Leah mode.  Both are part of our avodat Hashem.  

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