Thursday, July 21, 2022

Two Types Of Leaders

Why is Yehoshua given over the reins to lead Klal Yisroel and not Pinchas?  Why does the parsha of the mussafim follow the appointment of Yehoshua?

The parsha describes two types of leaders.  There are different times that demand different forms of leadership.  The beginning of the parsha describes a time of crisis, a time of confusion where a quick, decisive decision was necessary.  For that role, Pinchas was best suited.  However, during normal times, it is best to operate with deliberation, patience, and a developed plan instead of a rash descision.  For this role Yehoshua was more apt.  That is why the parsha of the korbanot followed the appointment of Yehoshua.  There is a precise seder to be followed.  Yes, the korbanot vary based upon the time but there is in place an exact order to be followed.  The עין יעקב cites in the name of the Midrash that the yesod for the entire parsha lies in a possuk in the parsha of korbanot in our parsha, את הכבש האחד תעשה בבקר ואת הגבש השנה תעשה בין הערבים, the daily schedule is key to sucess.  The Torah is explaining that Yehoshua is appointed the leader because he followed Moshe Rabbenu arround.  He saw the daily ins and outs of leadership.  He was witness to Moshe's daily job in the office.  Such a man is one to lead the nation.  Pinchas is called to the helm in stormy weather but is not one to captain during smooth sailing, that is Yehoshua's role.  

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