Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Never Forgotten

The Yalkut (415) says  אמר להם בואו ואעשה לפניכם חשבון נכנסו כל ישראל עד שהוא יושב ומחשב שכח אלף ושבע מאות וחמשה ושבעים שקל שעשה ווים לעמודים התחיל יושב ותמה אמר עכשיו ישראל מוצאים ידיהם לומר נטלו משה האיר הקב"ה עיניו וראה אותם עשוין ווים לעמודים אמר להם ואת האלף ושבע המאות וגו', באותה שעה נתפייסו ישראל על מלאכת המשכן שנאמר אלה פקודי המשכן.  Why were these forgotten coins made into the hooks of the chatzar?  Why were these coins forgotten? 

The forgotten coins represent the forgotten Jews.  Those that are so far removed from pure avodah that they don't show up on Moshe's radar. However, even they will be remembered and will turn into the hooks, they will latch on to the outer part of the Mishkan.  They are attached (vav hachibur) via the ווי עמודים.  They will clutch on for dear life as they may be permitted only in the most external layer of the Mishkan.  There are twelve months of the year corresponding to every one of the shevatim.  The second Adar represents those that have strayed from the shevatim.  They have strayed outside the boundaries of Klal Yisroel.  However, it is in this time where they can be enlightened by the nes of Purim.  Even in the הסתר אסתר את פני, the light of Purim is able to awake these souls.  That is represented by the ואו - the gematria of 13, the gematria of אחד, that even they people can become attached to the body of Klal Yisroel.  That is what concerned Klal Yisroel.  what will be of these souls, especially in the days of the future?  Moshe said even they will be attached, will become וויו for the chatzer (based upon Emunas Etecha.)    

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