Thursday, December 23, 2021

Two Steps Into Golut

Why does the Torah repeat at the beginning of the parsha the descent of Klal Yisroel into Egypt?  Why does the possuk say הבאים מצרימה in the present tense but end איש וביתו באו in the past tense?  Why does it repeat that Yosef died if that was recorded in last parsha?  There were two stages of the golut hinted to in the possuk יָרֹד יָרַדְנוּ (Mekatz 43:20.)  In the beginning the influence of Egypt is felt for Klal Yisroel was not under the open hashgacha present in Eretz Yisroel.  After this the matzarim of Eypt grew stronger and Klal Yisroel sunk into the abyss that was the tumah of Egypt.  The servitude that starts after the generation of the shevatim dies is a siman that the spiritual golus grew stronger.  The physical hardships were an indicator of the spiritual problems.  In Berashis we learn about the first descent.  The removal from Eretz Yisroel, from open hashgacha to Egypt.  In Shemos we are introduced to a second level of the golut.  That is why it uses the present tense, הבאים for even though they were in golut already, it was a new descent into the abyss of the golut (see Midrash 1:4.)  That is why it repeats the death of Yosef for although the event happened, the Torah is stressing it is at that point that the golut noose drew tighter.  That is why we repeat the parsha of those coming into Egypt for it is a new "coming" into Egypt, it is entering a new stage (based upon Likutay Sichos volume 6.)

The Nesivos Shalom says that the present tense הבאים is used for the golut of Egypt is the paradigm for all future stages of golut.  Going into Egypt was not a one time event but it is ever constantly happening.  There is golut and more golut and all of that is a continuum of the golut Mitzraim.  Altohugh there was a redemption from Egypt, the geulah was incomplete.  The second stage of the golut was never fully rectified and for that there must be another geulah, the geulah atidah, may it come forth speedily in our days.

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