Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Rav Yeruchim Levovitz in his into. to the Daas Torah brings many proves that peshat goes a lot further than the simple translation and understanding of the words.  He demonstrates that it goes way beyond that and encompasses two aspects.  One aspect is to know all the letters of the Torah and teir order, irrespective of their standing in the possuk as we see in Kiddushin (30a) that the earlier generations knew all the letters of the Torah. The other idea is a derived from a gEmorah about a possuk in our parsha. The Gemorah in Berachos (61a) says אמר רב נחמן מנוח עם הארץ היה דכתיב וילך מנוח אחרי אשתו (Shoftim 13:11) and he shouldn't have walked behind his wife.  The Gemorah continues אמר רב אשי ולמאי דקאמר רב נחמן מנוח עם הארץ היה אפילו בי רב נמי לא קרא שנאמר ותקם רבקה ונערתיה ותרכבנה על הגמלים ותלכנה אחרי האיש ולא לפני האיש.  We see since he didn't derive this halacha from the possuk, the Gemorah views it as if he doesn't know the possuk at all.  Deriving the halachot from the possuk is also part of the peshat. In his words:

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