Possuk in Titzaveh (29:39) את הכבש האחד תעשה בבקר ואת הכבש השני תעשה בין הערבים
Possuk in Pinchas (28:4) את הכבש אחד תעשה בבקר ואת הכבש השני תעשה בין הערבים
Why is there a possuk about a korban in Titzaveh which is a parsha about the completion of the Mikdash? And why does is say האחד in Titzavah and אחד in Pinchas? The Briskor Rav explains based upon the Gemarah Minachos (50a) that says if the tamid of the morning was not offered, the tamid of the afternoon should still be offered. The exception to this rule is when dedicating the mizbaoch, then it must be dedicated via the tamid of the morning, one can't start with the afternoon offering. In other words, there are two functions to the tamid. One function is as a korban in which case the two temidim don't have to form one unit. Another function is part of the process of making the Mishkan a Mishkan is to have the tamid unit offered. In this case, you can't be lacking the morning tamid for it is akin to lacking part of the building itself. With this background we can now understand why the possuk of the obligation of the tamid is in Tetzaveh for part of the building of the Mikdash is to bring the korban tamid. That is why it says האחד, for it means the first tamid must be the morning tamid as opposed to the possuk in Pinchas which is telling us the time to offer the korban tamid is once in the morning and once it the afternoon (added explanation from Rav Aharon Lichtenstein.)
The intro. to the Kosav on the עין יעקב cites a Midrash בן זומא אומר מצינו פסוק כולל יותר והוא שמע ישראל וגו'. בן ננס אומר מצינו פסוק כולל יותר והוא ואהבת לרעך כמוך. שמעון בן פזי אומר מצינו פסוק כולל יותר והוא את הכבש האחד תעשה בבוקר וגו'. עמד ר' פלוני על רגליו ואמר הלכה כבן פזי. Ben Zoma says: We have found a more inclusive verse, and it is, “Shema Yisrael.” Ben Nanas says: We have found a more inclusive verse, and it is, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Shimon Ben Pazi says: We have found a more inclusive verse and it is, “The first lamb you shall sacrifice in the morning and the second lamb you shall sacrifice in the evening.” Rabbi Ploni stood up and said: The halakha is in accordance with Ben Pazi.
The possuk which sums up the entirety of Torah is the possuk of את הכבש האחד תעשה בבוקר. How does this possuk sum up the laws of the Torah? The lesson is that although there are times of inspiration, times of holidays and moments when one feels uplifted, it is the constant, consistent, diligent approach to avodas Hashem that brings one closest to Hashem. Special times help a person lurch forward but it is the daily, slow growth, one daf, one seder at a time that add up to make a person great. The mishkan of the lev must be built with an integrity of a the tamid of the morning and the evening, a consistent approach.