Monday, June 3, 2024

Broken Vessels

Gemarah Berachot (8b) הזהרו בזקן ששכח תלמודו מחמת אונסו דאמרינן לוחות ושברי לוחות מונחות בארון.  What is the comparison of a talmud chacham to the broken luchot?  Rav Soloveitchik explains that there are two kedushot present in the luchot.  It has the kedusha of a sefer Torah and it has kedusha as kedushat haguf for being part of the kelim of the Mikdash.  A talmud chacham as well has kedusha askin to that of a sefer Torah, he is acknowledged honor because of his knowledge but in addition he has kedushat haguf.  The Mishna in Avot (4:13) says כתר תורה וכתר כהונה וכתר מלכות.  Just as the kohan is elevated above a regular yisrael and a king is elevated above the rest of the nation, so too a talmud chacham becomes elevated as a chalos din in the gavra due to his acquisition of the keser Torah.  Hence, even after his learning is forgotten, the kedushat haguf on the person is afforded honor.   Rashi Pesachim (68b) says שלמדתי תורה ונתרוממתי, through learning Torah, a person becomes elevated above the level of everyone else.  That is the transformation of עמילות בתורה.

1 comment:

  1. Can something be called a kli if it has no functional use?
