Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Prayer Of the Shofar

The end of the shofros blessing is כי אתה שומע קול שופר ומאזין תרועה ואין דומה לך ברוך אתה ה' שומע קול תרועות עמו ישראל ברחמים. What does it mean Hashem listens to the shofar sounds, we blow shofar as a mitzvah, why does it matter that Hashem hears it? The Briskor Rav explains that shofar besides being a mitzvah to blow it, is also a form of prayer. It is the prayer of the shofar that Hashem harkens to and accepts. The possuk in Balak (23:21) says וּתְרוּעַ֥ת מֶ֖לֶךְ בּֽוֹ. The Even Ezra says the word וּתְרוּעַ֥ת is related to the word תרועה, ותרועת מלך בו – במחנה ישראל, וזה: ותקעתם תרועה (see also Siforno.) How is this a praise of Klal Yisroel that they blow the shofar? Explains the Rav with the above principal, this form of prayer through a shofar is unique for Klal Yisroel. It is only Klal Yisroel that can have such a form of prayer accepted.   

The Rambam at the beginning of the Laws of Taanis says מִצְוַת עֲשֵׂה מִן הַתּוֹרָה לִזְעֹק וּלְהָרִיעַ בַּחֲצוֹצְרוֹת עַל כָּל צָרָה שֶׁתָּבוֹא עַל הַצִּבּוּר. שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (במדבר י ט) "עַל הַצַּר הַצֹּרֵר אֶתְכֶם וַהֲרֵעֹתֶם בַּחֲצֹצְרוֹת". How do we see in the possuk that the Rambam cited the need to cry out, we only see the obligation to blow trumpets? The answer is that it’s understood that the blowing is a form of tefillah and hence will go hand in hand with an obligation to pray.What is the nature of this form of prayer? 

Rav Tzadok asks what does it mean ואין דומה לך, everyone hears the shofar?  He explains it refers to the shofar of the heart.  Sometimes a person can’t even express their feelings in any form at all and its only that can Hashem hear that inner shofar.  He says the same idea is reflected in the psalm added during the 10 days of repentance, shir hamalos m’maamakim.  The second possuk says, Hashem shma b’koli etc.  The Gemorah says one should pray silently so why do we ask that Hashem should hear our voice?  Rav Tzadok says its referring to the inaudible cry of a broken soul crying out to Hashem (Pri Tzaddik Rosh Hashana #9.)

After each round of shofar blasts in the Amida we say the paragraph of areses sifasanu.  We describe how Hashem listens to the shofar, מבין ומאזין מביט ומקשיב לקול תקיעתנו.  We can understand Hashem sees and hears our tkios, but what does it mean He is מבין, understands them?  What requires understanding?  Rav Yeruchem Olshin explains Hashem understands besides the verbalized cry there is a silent cry which is inaudible.  With this principle he explains the last line in the ana becoach.  We say שועתנו קבל ושמע צעקתנו יודע תעלומות.  If Hashem hears our prayers, why do we mention he knows what’s hidden, there is nothing hidden here?  We are saying that Hashem should listen to what’s in our hearts, to the emotions which are too great to take form in words.

This is the prayer of the shofar, is the feelings that can't be formed into words which are expressed through the shofar blasts.

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